We try our best to make you and family's visit as pleasant as possible, we understand that a hospital visit can sometimes be frustrating and time-consuming, and we offer many amenities that we hope will make your time here more comfortable.


Doctors at Karong Clinics works with a team of other health care professionals and helps you and your family members to actively participate in your own health.

  • Booking to consult a doctor at Karong Clinics

        General Practice (Mon-Fri 08:00-18:00, Sat: 0900-13:00)

The service is on a first-come, first-serve basis, however, we suggest you making an appointment to save your valuable time.

        Other Specialists

Please contact them directly, all doctors' booking are available on Telephone 3911529.

  • Booking for a surgical procedure to be performed at Karong Theatres

        Patients DO NOT have Medical (Private Patient)

Our staff will prepare you a quotation and arrange your surgery space, and, after that, a deposit is required to secure your booking.

       Patients DO have Medical Aid

Once you and your doctor decide to do the procedure at Karong Clinics, we will prepare the relevant documents and submit to your medical aid scheme for authorization, we will contact you and your doctor to arrange your surgery space as soon as the procedure approved. Response from your medical aid scheme may take few hours / few days.

  • Please note that all the quotations are based on the nature of the procedure, the estimate theatre time and consumables to be used for the procedures. The actual cost may differ from the quotation.


  Medical Centre    
  Surgical Centre    
    List of Procedures    
  Health Screening    
    Screening Package    
    Corporate Wellness    
  Medical Imagine    
  Patient Infomation    
    About Procedure    
    Billing & Payment    
  Patient Info (FAQs)    
  Contact Us